
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How to Make Yarn with Plastic Bags

People have been trying to find new ways to reuse a lot of plastic and paper items to help in the effort to clean up the earth and what better way to recycle plastic bags then making your own yarn. You can make practically anything with it which makes it so awesome. Remember though that it is still plastic, so no potholders and such!

What you will need:

  • Plastic bags
  • Scissors
  • Crocheting Needle (Size G preferred)
  • Pattern (I'm making circles)

How to do it:

  • Lay your plastic bag out and press it flat. It's going to look kind of rectangular

  • Cut your bag into strips that are 1/2" or a thumbs width wide, cutting the bag from the bottom towards the handles. They will be end up being little loops.
  • Once you have cut up as many bags as you think you need, start chaining them together by stringing one bag loop through another and then back through itself and pull tight, but not too tight, you don't want to stretch the bag loop out.

  • Keep doing this until all of your loops are linked together. At this point you can roll your links together into a ball for easier clean-up and organization.
  • Now that you have made your plastic bag yarn you can use basically any pattern to create something unique!
Here is a circle that I have crocheted using a pattern I found on youtube:

♥ Mrs. Suzie