
Monday, October 1, 2012

DIY Enzyme Cleaner Review

So after waiting a long two weeks for my Enzyme Cleaner to be ready, it's finally done! I was so excited the first thing I did this morning was prepare my Enzyme Cleaner in concentrate form. This basically consists of you straining the enzyme mixture through a thin cloth and storing it. That's it!

To make my All-Purpose Cleaner for around the house, I poured 1/2 cup of the liquid into a spray bottle and then filled the spray bottle the rest of the was up. I was using a 32 oz. spray bottle so my ratio was 1:7 (enzyme:water). You don't have to use that much enzyme, in fact on my last post on the enzyme cleaner I told you all you had to use was a 1:10 ratio. It's just whatever is your personal preference.

If you would like to see how the Enzyme cleaner did in my bathroom and in my kitchen you can watch my Youtube video below. Click here for the recipe for Enzyme Cleaner.

♥ Mrs. Suzie